Monday, October 29, 2007

I'm Walken...

Update Your Bookmarks, we are now hangin' out at!

We've still got all the latest news, reviews, bootlegs and all the other stuff you love us for!

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Mike In Crohns Disease Live Webcast, a leading health information web site for patients and caregivers, proudly presents a free educational Webcast with Crohn's patient and rock star Mike McCready.

"Imagine yourself playing music for thousands of screaming fans and you suddenly need to run offstage to go to the bathroom. This nightmare has been my reality many times," says Pearl Jam's lead guitarist Mike McCready.

Find out how he slowed his flares by sacrificing his rock star habits in favor of exercise and eating right and biologic medicine. Get a positive and realistic perspective on life with Crohn's disease from someone who has been through it all.

Join the conversation online, broadcast live from the Studio, at 7:00 PM EDT/6:00 CT/4:00 PM PT on October 9, 2007, with Mike McCready as he shares his stories about life as a celebrity coping with Crohn's disease.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Green River Are Back... For One Night Only!

Stone Gossard says rumors his pre-Pearl Jam band Green River will reunite in the summer of 2008 for a Sub Pop 20th anniversary concert are indeed true!

"Pearl Jam has toured with Mudhoney, so we played with [former Green River members] Mark [Arm] and Steve [Turner]," he reports. "But we haven't played with Alex [Vincent] and Bruce [Fairweather] in quite a while. They're both excited about it, from everything I've heard."

And as for Pearl Jam, the group is taking a break following a summer European tour.

A live DVD filmed by photographer Danny Clinch, "Immagine in Cornice," was released last week. "We're in that period of time where we actually allow ourselves to not know what's going to happen next, which is great," Gossard says.

Brad Announce Comeback Shows

Brad will come back together for a special evening in New York City.

A Celebration of Woody and Marjorie Guthrie To Benefit Huntington's Disease Society of America (HDSA) will feature Brad and Billy Bragg and is hosted by Tim Robbins, with some very special guests.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007 at 7pm at the intimate Webster Hall 125 E 11th Street.

Ten Club members are invited to take part in the private pre-sale for this event going on now. Click here for tickets! The special pre-sale password is: HDSA

The event hits particularly close to home for Brad/Pearl Jam guitarist Stone Gossard, whose wife's mother, brother and grandfather have suffered with Huntington's. Woody Guthrie is the most prominent name associated with the disease, a rare neurological disorder that is somewhat akin to Parkinson's disease or multiple sclerosis.

There is no cure for Huntington's, but symptoms can be managed with medication.

"There are so many people in the HD community that don't have the care they need," Gossard told "We wanted to support both the care that people get for HD through local chapters and any scientific breakthroughs that may be on the horizon."

While in New York, Brad will play a separate headlining show on Oct. 16 at the Highline Ballroom.

Gossard has also finished tweaking a batch of material the band recorded in 2004 but is just now ready to release, comprising the songs "Every Whisper," "Rush Hour," "No Regrets," "Price of Love," "One Love Remains," "Low," "Bless Me Father," "Believe in Yourself," "Oh Goodness," "Luxury Car" and "Holiday."

In addition, the band has acquired the rights to its first two albums for Epic, plus albums from connected groups such as Satchel and Malkfunksun, and is hoping to reissue the projects at some point in the future. "We're trying to figure out how to play a little bit more often," Gossard says. "We want to keep the band alive."

Friday, September 21, 2007

Weekly News Round-Up

- Ed's Solo Album, Into The Wild, was released in the US on Tuesday! If you haven't bought a copy yet, what have you been doing with your life? Get down to your local record store now! ;)

- If you can't be bothered to leave the house, then you can still get your hands on an extended version on itunes, with 4 bonus tracks:

1. No More
2. Photographs (Instrumental)
3. Here's To The State (Live At VH1 Storytellers)
4. No More (Live In Nijmegan)

- In other Into The Wild news, Ed will appear with Sean Penn on The Charlie Rose Show on Monday at 1:30 on WNED. Check out Charlies website at

- Ed has also fuelled rumors of an impending solo tour of clubs by talking in surfing metaphors in Rolling Stone, saying:

"If you surf fifty-foot waves all the time, you can't try too many new things, because fifty-foot waves are kind of life and death. Playing big shows is like that. So you want to take on some smaller waves to rework or refine what you do, and then take it back to the big surf."

- And finally, Ed continues his mission to single handedly bankrupt us all before Christmas, with the news a release date has been set for the DVD release of the Johnny Ramone documentary, Too Tough To Die. Its 3rd December, and you can pre-order it from almost any major online retailer.

- Remember, next Monday/Tuesday (depending where you live) is the release of the new PJ DVD, Immagine In Cornice, so be sure to grab a copy! If you live in the UK, Into The Wild is released on the same day!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Immagine In Cornice Spoilers

- Ed's solo version of Immortality from the Verona soundcheck is featured.

- A studio version of Picture In A Frame cover plays while Eddie sweeps the ruins of the Pistoia tower (image from the DVD cover).

- There are loads of cameras all over the place during the concert, including one staged just under the roof of the stage. There are slow-motion shots as well.

- There are shots of Eddie and his daughter, band spontanouesly changing the setlist backstage, Mike talking to the fans in front of a Bologna hotel, Mike explaining his tattoos, Eddie talking to an Italian translator, Jeff riding his skateboard, Eddie and Boom talking with the Principal of the local music school...

- Eddie and Mike play an acoustic version of Lukin laughing their asses off.

- Betterman is incomplete.

- Boom plays his own composition "Heaven Can You Here Me Now?"

- A new interpretation of "Alive" will be featured called "Donato's Dance", by Rami Jaffee of The Wallflowers, also a touring member of the Foo Fighters on their Skin & Bones tour and upcoming Echoes, Silence, Patience & Grace tour, on the accordion.

- There is an accompanying 24-page booklet with photos.

- Most of the behind-the-scenes footage is dedicated to Eddie; Matt and Stone are barely featured

- The DVD is 113 minutes long (not sure if this includes the bonus features as well).

- Danny Clinch devoted a lot of time to the fans as well; there are footage of various fans from Israel, Sweden, Finland...

YouTube Video Of The Week

This week, as we count down the days until the release of Immagine In Cornice, we get a sneek peak at what to expect, including Jeff discussing how setlists are drawn up, Mike revealing the meaning behind his tattoos, the band arriving in Pistoia, Ed & Mike playing Lukin acoustic on the streets of Milan, and a clip of the band playing Life Wasted!

To us, it seems 'Immagine' is going to mix all the good bits of the performance DVDs like LATG and the documentary style behind the scenes style of Single Video Theory - all in all, this is gonna be awesome!

Agree? Disagree? Leave a comment, let us know :)

Time Magazine & Entertainment Weekly Ed Interviews

Entertainment Weekly:

After 17 years fronting Pearl Jam, the Seattleite is stepping out on his own this fall, contributing songs to two very socially conscious films.

How did Sean Penn, who directed Into the Wild, get you to participate?
We'd just finished touring with Pearl Jam, and Sean called my second day off. I remember watching the movie the first time--it was just me and Sean sitting on the floor with a pack of smokes--and the whole thing was incredibly moving.

You hadn't read the book?
No. Everyone else I knew had. It's one of those you read in college and then decide you're going to throw away your whole stupid life and run off to the woods and die. Yeah--or live. Learn from his mistakes. I think it will not only affect people who did that stuff, but people who didn't do it, and are wondering why they didn't, having lost that chance.

Did you set out to compose so much of the soundtrack?
Sean just said, "Whatever you wanna do. Maybe it's music, maybe it's a song." So I spent three days giving him colors that I could paint with, 25 minutes of music. I didn't think anything was gonna come out of it. [But] Sean called and was like, "I've already put two pieces in, if you give me five or six more, it could be the interior voice of the character." As a parent, it's gotta be hard to see Wild--watching this kid turn his back on his family. I think parents will learn a lot from this, even if they haven't done anything wrong...yet. It's hard to get through a kid's life without f---ing them up. And no matter how good you are, at some point your kids have to create their own independence. These are troubled times, too. Do you force your kids to pay attention to what's going on, or do you let them live outside of it? My hope is that my child is a strong activist. That would make me most proud.

What if she rebels against your liberal politics and becomes a neo-con?
[Laughs] Aaaah... It would be shocking. It's certainly not in her nature now. She's 3 years old. That's like the height of liberalism. Liberalism comes naturally.

You also worked on Body of War about paralyzed Iraq vet Tomas Young, with codirector Phil Donohue. What stood out to you about the doc?
Plenty of stories have been told about what's criminal about this war. There's the political side, there's the monetary side, it's all intertwined. But this is the human side. It's incredibly violent to me, just watching what Tomas has to go through because he signed up on Sept. 13 and went over to fight the good fight, and he's paralyzed almost upon arrival. One casualty, of which I think now we have over 25,000.

So you surely have vast plans for election season?
Um, I'm gonna vote. [Laughs] I'd like people to be educated on the voting machines, making sure our democracy isn't being hijacked by computer technology. We had Diebold machines when I worked at a gas station in 1989, so trucking companies could keep track of the gas they used. I know these machines really well. And there's no reason why they can't have a paper trail.

Will there be any Vote for Change-type activity this time around?
Maybe we'll just play Ohio. For a month. Ohio and Florida.

Time Magazine (Ed w/Sean Penn):

They're both rich and famous, they're both notoriously earnest and left-leaning, they both have reputations for being emotionally tortured. So it makes a kind of cosmic sense that Sean Penn and Pearl Jam front man Eddie Vedder would be friends; they have been since 1995, when Vedder wrote music for Dead Man Walking, in which Penn starred. Both are currently experiencing second acts, Penn as a director and Vedder as a film composer.

The duo have now collaborated: Vedder has written the sound track for Penn's movie Into the Wild, based on the book by Jon Krakauer. Later this month Vedder will release a CD of songs written for or inspired by the movie, the closest thing to a solo album he's ever done.

Into the Wild is the true story of Chris McCandless, a good kid from a prosperous but unhappy family, who left home, burned his money, changed his name to Alexander Supertramp and in 1992 walked off into the Alaskan wilderness. He died there of starvation 16 weeks after he arrived. What was he looking for? Penn and Vedder--who are a lot funnier than they get credit for--talked to Lev Grossman about this and other profound questions, like how you keep a huge grizzly bear happy on a movie set.

What made you pick up Krakauer's book?
PENN: The cover grabbed me--the bus, the image of the bus with the title Into the Wild on it. I've made a lot of decisions in my life that you could call judging a book by its cover. And I've become a real advocate of it. So I took the book home, and I read it cover to cover twice, and I went to sleep in the wee hours and immediately got up in the morning, and I saw in essence the movie that you saw last night.

What was it about what McCandless did that got to you?
PENN: I really think that we shouldn't just accept rites-of-passage opportunities as they come, because what we'll find is that they don't come in our world anymore. And we shouldn't look at them as a kind of luxury or romantic dream but as something vital to being alive. McCandless quotes somebody else in the movie: "If just once you put yourself in the most ancient of circumstances ..." This is where nature comes into it--and I think that Eddie and I share this feeling--that every sober-minded person of any belief would probably agree that the biggest issue is quality of life. You've gotta feel your own life to have a quality of life, and our own inauthenticity, our corruptions, get in the way of that. The wilderness is relentlessly authentic.

Have you ever gone through anything like that? A rite of passage?
PENN: Formatively the experience I had, where I found the beginning of the map to figure out how to feel my own life, would have come from surfing as a kid. My wilderness is the ocean, and my experience with risk and conquering fear was the ocean.
Being alone like that can help people find themselves, but it can also make them fall apart.

VEDDER: See, I love it. I need it. I'm a better person because of it. I mean, I feel really blessed even to have had the opportunity of disappearing on an island or something and not seeing anybody for weeks. It makes me somebody that somebody else could live with. That's another thing, when you talk about the environment and how precious it is: it makes us better people.

How did you get into doing sound tracks, what with being a huge rock star and all? Is it a lot different from doing Pearl Jam?
VEDDER: Yeah, it's easy. Really. I almost don't remember a thing. It was like I kinda went into some weird space for a week or two, and then I woke up out of this daze, and it was done. I don't really remember it.

That doesn't even sound like work.
VEDDER: I was thinking about it yesterday. I don't trust art that was made easy. If there's not some kind of pain involved, then I don't trust it. And I thought, Well, how can I be honest and tell people that it was easy? But what I figured out is that the hard part was 25 years ago, when I went through what this kid went through. I went through pain, but it was just a long time ago. And I guess what's a little bit worrisome to me is how easy it was to access it. You know? That I just had to barely put my finger in. It was right there on the surface. I thought I'd grown up much more. I'm glad there was a use for it, but now I've got to tuck it away again.

So how does it work? Sean, do you just go to Eddie and say, "Here's a bit with a guy hitchhiking. Write a song that would sound good with that"?
PENN: Well, I'd written the script originally structured for songs. I love that kind of thing in movies. I was born in 1960, so you can do the math and figure out that I was just coming into my own with Harold and Maude, and earlier than that, Simon and Garfunkel and The Graduate, and Coming Home. It just added something, letting your songwriter be a co-author of the script in many ways.

VEDDER: It was like a factory, where I would sit in a chair and they'd hand me instruments. We'd just keep going, and I didn't have to teach anybody the part or talk them into the idea, the theory, the soul of whatever the piece was. I'd just sit in the chair, and they'd hand me a fretless bass, and they'd hand me a mandolin, and they'd take a second to do the rough mix, and then I'd write the vocal, and it was just quick. It was as in the moment as you could be, and in that way it's like a great feeling of being alive. You'd hear two pieces at the end of the day--or three--and feel like you were actually doing something on this planet while you were here.

Some of the vocals were wordless, just these howling chants ...
VEDDER: That was all stuff I did not-to-picture. In a way--like the music for the scene on the mountaintop--I don't think I would have done that [if I had seen the footage]. I would have felt too--like if you could be both vulnerable and pretentious at the same time?

PENN: [Laughs.] Leave that to me!

Emile Hirsch [who plays McCandless] goes through a truly shocking physical transformation to show McCandless starving to death. How'd you achieve that?
PENN: Turns out he has phenomenal willpower. A 21-year-old kid, who just got the right to go drinking with the guys in the bar, and he is by choice sober. By choice a monk for eight months. He was in a room watching his feet roll under him on a treadmill or doing pushups or eating another glass of water with lemon in it for dinner every night for eight months. You know, that's really, really hard.

He has a scene with a bear that got some audible gasps.
PENN: He was an 8-ft. 6-in. grizzly bear, and if he wasn't a good bear, I wouldn't be here right now. But no flinching from Emile--he just stood there, six inches away from that thing.

What do you do when the bear's not being a good bear?
PENN: You say, "Good boy," all day long. Or the trainer does. And he gives him a lot of chocolate whipped cream.

McCandless doesn't come off as a saint in the movie. I mean, he won't call his parents even though they're desperate to hear from him. He's angry.
PENN: You know, this is subject to a lot of personal stuff on anybody's part--yours, mine. My answer to "He should have called his parents" is "Who says?" I understand it, but I walked in my shoes, not his shoes. What I do know is that if you're not feeling your life, you are obligated first to do everything it takes to feel your life. I've done many things without the intention of hurting people that have hurt people. And I'm saying this knowing that I've got two kids that are coming up to that age myself right now.

Eddie, you talked before about how much you have in common with McCandless. [Vedder has a famously difficult relationship with his stepfather, as McCandless did with his father.] Did doing the movie help you get over that pain at all?
VEDDER: Not enough. But it'll do for now. I don't think it's gonna go away. I think in the last 10 to 15 years, I've just been able to not let that person and that part of me be in charge--that guy is in the car, but we just don't let him drive. That's something Springsteen told me once, and it really works. He'll be talking in your ear in the backseat, but just don't let him get behind the wheel. And you can be proud of it. I've talked to the people that raised me, and I've thanked them for giving me a lifetime's worth of material. I was talking to Bono in Australia last year, and we mentioned something about family histories, and he was like, Wow, they really gave you some good stuff to write about. It was like he wanted to hug them and thank them.

PENN: My mother was reading this article about me in Esquire last month, and she called me up, and she said [Penn does his mother's voice], "Well, I thought it was an interesting article, but you know, the one thing, every time I'm sitting with you, you have a Diet Coke. Why is it that you're an alcoholic? I'm the alcoholic!" It was as though I'd stolen her mantle!

The thing I can't figure out about Into the Wild is if it's a happy story or a sad one. McCandless experiences so much joy, but then he dies in the end ...
PENN: Let me tell you what I think. My Uncle Bill, who was dying--with 13 cousins that he had all with my Aunt Joan, they had a great, happy marriage for all their years. So there he is on his deathbed. He'd been in a coma a couple of days, and a priest has come in to give last rites. This was the first time, Irish that they are, that my aunt let a tear fall, trusting that his coma would make him unaware of it. Well, open come the eyes, and he sees. He catches her--she can't get away with it. And his last words were "What're ya crying about? You're gonna die too." Chris McCandless lived too short, that's true, but he, in my view, put an entire life from birth to the wisdom of age into those years.

Weekly News Round-Up

- It seems PJ can claim victory in their battle against AT&T, as a spokeswoman for the company said they would no longer be censoring their webcasts, but rather display a message at the bottom of the screen during them, advising viewer discretion

- Ed has been doing the rounds this week, kicking off with a performance at the Into The Wild premiere in Toronto, he played a short 4 song set. He then played two songs at the Body Of War premiere, check out one of them here:

- Eddie is also to appear in yet more movies, this time he will appear in the next Tom Petty DVD, a four-hour documentary titled "Runnin' Down a Dream", in which director Peter Bogdanovich tells the Heartbreakers' story. Vedder, along with other artists such as Stevie Nicks, Dave Grohl and others, will talk about Tom Petty & his historical group's legacy. It hits in October.

- He also appears in Michael Moore's new documentary "Captain Mike Across America", which follows Moore going from stadium to stadium in 62 cities in the dying days of the 2004 presidential campaign for his "Slacker Uprising Tour 2004", bashing US President George W. Bush. Pearl Jam's Ed Vedder and other artists such as Steve Earle, Tom Morello and Joan Baez break up the film with their live performances during several dates of this tour.

- Ed also appeared on Michael Stipe's (R.E.M.) photography website as the photo of the day, rather cheese-tastic, don't you think?

- Chris Cornell has not closed the door on recording a follow-up to Temple Of The Dog, it seems:

"I think some combination of those people making a record is always going to appeal to me. I don't know if it'll be called Temple of the Dog but some collaboration with any combination of those guys, I'll always be open to because it was such a great experience. Quite literally Temple of the Dog is the reason why Audioslave happened as far as I'm concerned. That was the only reason I was really open to it. After Temple of the Dog I felt that I wanted to always keep an open mind in my career about different collaborations because I felt like that was an exciting experience and it taught me that it was totally possible and pretty painless to do it."

- Finally, check out the official video for Ed's new single, Hard Sun:

Saturday, September 08, 2007

YouTube Video Of The Week

This week, we check out one of the better fan-made videos for PJ, for the No Code fan favourite, In My Tree.

Leave a comment and let us know what you think...

Weekly News Round-Up

- You can now pre-order Ed's 'Into The Wild' from 10C, and get a limited edition T-shirt with your purchase. Go to

- If you take up 10C on this offer you will automatically be entered into a sweepstake to win a flyaway trip for two (2) to the Los Angeles, CA "Into The Wild" Premiere on September 18th.

Package includes:
Coach Airfare for two(2) to Los Angeles, CA (September 17-19)
Two(2) nights hotel accomodations (September 17,18)
Two(2) tickets to the Los Angeles premiere of "Into The Wild"Ground transportation to and from the airport in L.A., hotel and film premiere.

- On Sunday, Ed, Matt and Mike were all spotted backstage at Bumbershoot in Seattle.

- Sean Penn said this of Ed's soundtrack to Into The Wild:

"Within a month of his accepting the request, these great and moving songs poured out of him. No other voice flows, bleeds or rejoices the young American's land and heart so passionately as Vedder's.
His contribution not only raises the impact of the film considerably, but I believe will be an indelible collection independently. Put it in the time capsule under 'Road companions.'"

- How the Starbucks offer will work:

The CD will be $15 and will not include the 3 extra tracks. Basically they are being offered as a download through Itunes. When you buy the CD at Starbucks you go home and download them through Itunes with a special code that comes with the CD.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Ed, Jack & Flea To Rock Bridge School '07!

The line-up for this years annual Bridge School Benefit on October 27th & 28th will see Eddie reprise his 3-piece band that perfomed earlier this year at Hullabaloo, featuring Jack Irons (ex-PJ drummer, for those of you who didn't know) and Red Hot Chili Pepper's bass slapping legend, Flea!

Lets keep our fingers crossed for lots of acoustic No Code/Yield goodness!

The full line-up is:
- Neil Young
- Metallica
- Jerry Lee Lewis
- Eddie Vedder with Flea and Jack Irons
- Tom Waits with Kronos Quartet
- John Mayer
- Tegan and Sara
- Regina Spektor

Buy tickets now at

Monday, September 03, 2007

Into The Wild Spoilers

- Total album length is 33 minutes, mostly acoustic ballads (almost every song consists of guitar & vocals) and is a very beautiful, intense, deep record.

- 'Music from the motion picture Into The Wild' was recorded at Studio X, Seattle, WA by Adam Kasper (who produced Riot Act & Avocado) and was mixed & produced by Adam Kasper & Eddie Vedder.

- 'Hard Sun', as we previously reported, is a song originally written by Indio, recorded by Vedder with Corin Tucker of Sleater-Kinney.

- 'The Wolf' is written by Jerry Hannan, who also played the guitar and did some vocals on this song.

- On 'Rise', you can hear Ed plays Banjo

- 'End of the road' is an instrumental track.

- The artwork was designed by Brad Klausen & Eddie, and Vedder himself created the album's concept, under the alias 'Jerome Turner'.

- A back cover silhouette photo of Eddie was taken by famous photographer Anton Corbijn

- People thanked in the credits: Jon Krakauer (who wrote the book this movie is based upon), the actor who plays Chris McCandless in the movie (Emile Hirsch), the McCandless family and Brian Dieker. Special thanks to Sean Penn, who directed the movie.

- The record is 'for Jill & Olivia' (Vedder's fiancee & daughter) and is in memory of Chris McCandless.

Source:, Italian Radio 1

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Eddie At Bumbershoot!

Fans attending the Seattle annual music festival Bumbershoot, were treated to a surprise last night when Ed was invited to the stage by Neil Finn to sing with Crowded House on the song World Where You Live.
Ed then strapped on a guitar and also sang on Something So Strong. Matt was also at the show, although only as a fan!
Bumbershoot continues today with a number of acts including Vedder favourites Kings Of Leon, so keep chcking back and we'll keep you informed of any more PJ spottings!

Saturday, September 01, 2007

YouTube Video Of The Week

Starting now, we will pick out a video from the masses of PJ on Youtube, once a week for your viewing pleasure. Maybe its an old interview, maybe its a mind-blowing live performance, whatever it is it'll be good!

This week, we jump back to 1992 to see PJ perform the song that made them massive, Jeremy, at an MTV Awards show, before they began to rage against the machine!

Weekly News Round-Up

Not much to report this week, other than to update you on some recent events...

- Kat from the Message Pit confirmed that despite 10C previously reporting otherwise, the new DVD 'Immagine In Cornice' will be released in Brazil, which i would assume means that it will be released throughout all South America!

- PJ are fast becoming stars of the videogaming world! Hot on the heels of news that Even Flow will be included in the upcoming release Guitar Hero III, it has been announced that Alive will feature in Singstar Amped!

- According to, both Into The Wild and I'm Not There will premiere at the Telluride Film Festival this weekend, August 31st - September 3.

- On the bootlegs front, The Army Reserve has released two more vault shows, 1993-08-18 Toronto, ON and 1998-09-06 Knoxville, TN, which can be downloaded from the relevant sections of The AR Vault!

- A second recording has surfaced from this years Katowice show, and will eventually be made available on this site. However, in accordance with the tapers wishes, this show will NOT be offered in mp3 format, only FLAC.

- A fan is hosting a London screening of Immagine In Cornice on September 26th. Further Info:

Time: 6.30pm till close
Venue: The Bath House, 96 Dean Street, London, W1D 3TD

The room has a screen with a projector and a surround sound system so we should be able to really give the DVD a nice going over!
As I have previously said myself (melbourneflower) and a fellow jammer will be putting on a lucky door prize where an attendee will win a copy of the DVD to take home with them!!

If you are interested in attending contact melbourneflower at the message pit by PM.

- Thats all for this week!

Ed: SIMA Environmentalist Of The Year

"Ed Vedder was honored as Environmentalist of the Year during the 18th Waterman's Weekend, which took place on Friday, August 24 at The St. Regis Monarch Beach Resort & Spa in Dana Point (CA), organized by The Surf Industry Manufacturers Association (SIMA).

During his acceptance speech, he proclaimed the Bush administration's environmental policies “criminal,” but also asked “Why this tolerance for deception? At some point we are responsible.”
He also said environmentalism has changed. “I don't think it's about chaining yourself to trees anymore, it's about doing business right. It's about finding a better business model.”

Vedder said the idea of being given an award for environmentalism was “like being given an award for breathing. It's what you have to do to stay alive.” Ha added: "What's really important is to be here tonight with the people (environmental organizations) that do the real work.
As a band we help raise visibility and we donate a minimal amount of money, but if the environmental movement is like a wave, the nonprofits are the surfboard steering us on the wave, and we (the band) are like the wax just trying to make things stick with the public."

But Vedder also had some fun, taking a surfer's point of view of work.“I had a choice to write a speech or go for a three-hour surf with Mark Richards. I went for a surf.”

He also poked fun at his coziness with the big names of surfing. “I never got to see Hendrix play, but it's OK because I got to see Rob (Machado) and Kelly (Slater) surf Pipeline.
I never got to see Perry Como or Andy Williams either, but when I watch Rob and Kelly play golf, I think it's the same.”"

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Seattle Market Party Videos

Mike closes the show with his rendition of 'Star Spangled Banner'

Mike performs 'Spanish Castle Magic' with The Iconics

Mike, Stone and Shawn Smith (Brad) perform 'Little Wing' with The Iconics

Mike and Stone perform the NorthWest classic 'Louie Louie' with The Iconics

Weekly News Round-Up

- Ed will be playing a solo gig at the 'Body Of War' premiere on 9/11 at the Toronto International Film Festival!

- Shawn Smith reports that Brad will be playing 4 or 5 gigs in September, possibly as a Seattle residency, or as a minature tour of the North West!

- Ed was last night awarded the prestigious title of SIMA Environmentalist Of The Year at an awards ceremony in Dana Point, CA!

- 10C's official pre-sale for 'Immagine In Cornice' has begun at, whereby you can receive a t-shirt emblazoned with the DVD artwork when you purchase!

- However, such an event never passes without controversy, and this time 10C are pleased to inform us:

1) If you live in South America, you will have to order the DVD online, as there are no plans for an official release there in the near future.

2) If you have ordered the DVD frm 10C and live in Europe, you could well be stuck with a useless disc, as all 10C DVDs are in NTSC format, not the Region 2 format which almost all European DVD players use.

- On a more pleasant note, if you pre-order Ed's upcoming solo album, Into The Wild, from Itunes or Starbucks, your copy will include 4 bonus tracks: No More, Photographs, Here’s To The State Of George W. (live), No More (live)

Monday, August 20, 2007

Army Reserve Releases Gimli 93 Show

1993 Vs. Pre-Release Tour: Leg II

#1 1993-08-11 Max Bell Arena, Calgary, AB

Not Available, Not In Circulation

#2 1993-08-12 Convention Center, Edmonton, AB

Not Available, Not In Circulation

#3 1993-08-14 Sunfest, Gimli Motorsport Park, Gimli, MB

Available In FLAC, mp3

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Army Reserve Releases Tuttlingen 07 Show

2007-06-23 Southside Festival, Tuttlingen, DEU

Source Info:
Neumann KM140's > AETA PSP3 > Edirol R09 > Digital Mastering

Show Info:
Show #8 Of The 2007 European Tour

Disc One:
01. Intro
02. Go
03. Do The Evolution
04. Animal
05. Corduroy
06. World Wide Suicide
07. Insignificance
08. Given To Fly
09. Lukin
10. Not For You
11. Half Full
12. Severed Hand
13. Glorified
14. Spin The Black Circle
15. Life Wasted

Disc Two:
16. Even Flow
17. Comatose
18. Why Go?
19. Alive
20. Rockin' In The Free World

Download Links (FLAC):


Download Link (mp3):

Download Link (Artwork, Photos):

Thanks to the taper. Sound Quality Is B\B+


Saturday, August 18, 2007

New Brad Album On The Way

It seems Ed isn't the only one who has been keeping busy during the bands recent downtime, as this myspace post from Brad vocalist Shawn Smith confirms...

"Brad fans.....

I just put up a Brad song, Reason Enough, from our soon to be released new album. It's a song of mine that I am very proud of. In other words, I dig it quite a bit. I put this up without consent from the other guys so if it is taken down in the next few days you will know that Brad is a facist regime!!

Just kidding.......

Anyway, enjoy and let me know what you think......


Download here:

Mike & Stone Rock Seattle

Mike performed Spanish Castle Magic to help celebrate the 100th birthday of Pike Place as part of the Market Party. A little later Stone and Shawn Smith joined him and they performed The Day Brings With and Little Wing, before Mike closed the evening playing Star Spangled Banner.

Walk Hard Trailer

Check out the trailer for the upcoming fake biopic, Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story, which features a snippit of Ed's cameo appearance...

Hard Sun: First Listen

You can listen to the first single to be lifted from Ed's upcoming solo album, Hard Sun, which features Sleater-Kinney vocalist Corin Tucker, at the following link:

Leave a comment and let us know what you think...

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Army Reserve Releases Dusseldorf 07 Show

2007-06-21 ISS Dome, Dusseldorf, DEU
Source Info:
Lineage: Sharp-MD-MT888 mono microphones: Vivanco EM35
Master MiniDisc-->Cool Edit Pro-->FLAC

Show Info:
Show #7 Of The 2007 European Tour

Disc One:
01. Intro
02. Sometimes
03. Whipping
04. Brain Of J.
05. Do The Evolution
06. Insignificance
07. In Hiding
08. Severed Hand
09. Sad
10. I Am Mine
11. Inside Job
12. Why Go?
13. Daughter
14. Breath
15. State Of Love And Trust
16. I'm Open
17. Come Back
Disc Two:
18. Once
19. Life Wasted, Encore Break
20. I Believe In Miracles
21. Not For You
22. Modern Girl (Tease)
23. Wasted Reprise
24. Black
25. Alive, Encore Break
26. Small Town
27. Given To Fly
28. Rats
29. Comatose
30. Baba O'Riley
31. Yellow Ledbetter

Download Links (FLAC):

Download Link (mp3):

Download Link (Artwork, Photos):

Thanks to the taper. Sound Quality is B/B-


Research Reveals Close Links Between AT&T & President Bu$h

Kudos to EvenKat from the Message Pit for doing a little background research into AT&T and where their money goes:

2006 ELECTION OVERVIEWTop Overall DonorsRank Contributor Total Contributions To Dems To Repubs Contributions Tilt

14 AT&T Inc $2,676,447 34% 66% Leans Republican


GEORGE W. BUSH (R) Top Contributors Cycle: 2004

Morgan Stanley $600,480

Merrill Lynch $580,004

Pricewaterhouse Coopers $513,750

UBS Americas $472,075

Goldman Sachs $390,600

MBNA Corp $356,350

Credit Suisse Group $331,040

Lehman Brothers $329,725

Citigroup Inc $320,620

Bear Stearns $309,150

Ernst & Young $305,140

Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu $290,450

US Government $287,636

Wachovia Corp $275,310

Ameriquest Capital $250,650

Blank Rome LLP $223,900

Bank of America $218,261

AT&T Inc $212,920


The $47 Million Retiree Sellout: How White House/GOP donors bought a Medicare bill that lets them cut health benefits.

May 14, 2004On Oct. 29, 2003, President Bush reassured seniors that "corporations have no intention to what they call dump retirees" from their existing drug coverage after the Medicare bill passed. But according to the Wall Street Journal, the White House and its allies in Congress added "a little-noticed provision" to the law which rewards companies with a tax subsidy even if they reduce retirees' existing drug coverage. In effect, the provision creates a financial incentive to reduce retiree benefits.

The Wall Street Journal notes that the provision was pushed primarily by a group called the "Employers' Coalition on Medicare" – an organization made up of corporations that have given President Bush and the RNC more than $47 million since 2000. These same corporations stand to profit from the provision. And it appears at least 10 of them (representing tens of thousands of workers) have either tried in the past or are trying to slash retiree benefits. These 10 companies, which include 3M, AT&T, Bank of America, DaimlerChrysler, GM, IBM, and Verizon, have alone given more than $17 million. Here is the breakdown of the contributions given to President Bush and his allies in Congress by all of the members of the "Employers Coalition" – contributions that no doubt helped buy this provision. For the official list of members of the "Coalition" please see their Web site at

$17 Million From Companies Actively Cutting Retiree Benefits. These 10 companies, which are members of the "Employers Coalition on Medicare," have tried to seriously reduce health/drug benefits for their retirees. And because of their campaign contributions to the White House/Congress, the new Medicare bill insures they will now receive tax subsidies even as they continue to reduce those benefits.

Verizon Total Contributions: $3,882,181

Hard money contributions to Bush since 2000: $65,900

Soft money contributions to RNC since 2000: $2,100,923

PAC money to Republicans since 2000: $1,715,358

Verizon Reducing Employee/Retiree Health Benefits: "Verizon Communications stated it expects its obligation for post-retirement benefits to fall by $1.3 billion as a result of the new Medicare prescription drug benefit…. Verizon is relieved of liability for promises to pay benefits for retirees now that liability shifts to the federal government and the taxpayers. A corporation improves its bottom line, but at the expense of the taxpayer and to the detriment of retirees." [Source: Allentown Morning Call, 3/24/04]3M Total Contributions: $347,305Hard money contributions to Bush since 2000: $9,250Soft money contributions to RNC since 2000: $165,305PAC money contributions to Republicans since 2000: $172,7503M Reducing Employee/Retiree Health Benefits: According to the Austin Business Journal, Austin's 3M is now requiring employees and retirees to "shoulder more of the burden" for health care/drug benefits with its public relations manager admitting "we're asking them to pay more." [Source: Austin Business Journal, 11/29/02] AT&T Total Contributions: $4,660,815

Hard money contributions to Bush since 2000: N/A

Soft money contributions to RNC since 2000: $4,141,772

PAC money contributions to Republicans since 2000: $519,043


Does AT&T owe Bush and the RNC?

May 10, 2002 When the nation's No. 1 cable company, AT&T Broadband, gets swallowed up by No. 3 Comcast sometime next year, the merger will spawn a mammoth new company that will reach 50 percent of the country's cable households. Yet Congress remains unfazed by the company's new size. At a Senate subcommittee hearing in April, members rapidly dismissed any potential antitrust concerns surrounding the merger."Overall, this merger by itself does not appear to present the types of competitive concerns that have led me to be skeptical or critical of some other recent media mergers," said Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), adding that, unlike the proposed EchoStar/DirecTV merger, this deal would not eliminate a direct competitor.

But consumer advocates warn that there are plenty of things to worry about if the AT&T/Comcast merger goes through as planned.

Since Congress passed the 1996 Telecommunications Act that deregulated the cable industry, consumers have seen their cable rates increase by 43 percent. "That's three times the rate of inflation," says David Butler, a spokesman for Consumers Union, a public interest group. "It's been six years since deregulation, and the cable industry has merged to a point where there are only a handful of companies left. This merger would combine two of the biggest industry players and would give them greater power to keep raising prices, limit choices in programming and ignore customer service issues."

Comcast and AT&T insist that the deal will offer consumers, especially those who live in rural areas, greater access to broadband services, including high-speed Internet connections and digital cable. With broadband access a hot topic on Capitol Hill these days, industry insiders joke that you can get almost anything you want in Washington—as long as you say it promotes broadband. Comcast and AT&T will likely have no problem getting the merger approved by federal regulators, especially since no member of Congress has come forward to strongly oppose the deal.

One reason Congress is silent on the issue may have to do with campaign contributions. AT&T (the parent company of AT&T Broadband) has contributed more than $1.5 million in individual, PAC and soft money donations so far in the 2002 election cycle, 53 percent to Republicans. During the 2000 election cycle, AT&T was the country's top corporate contributor, donating $5.9 million to federal candidates and parties, including $47,400 to George Bush for his presidential run. The company supplied another $1 million to the GOP for the Republican national convention in Philadelphia, where Bush won his party's nomination. Comcast, which also gave $1 million to the Republican National Convention, contributed $40,750 to the Bush campaign. So far in the 2002 election cycle, Comcast has contributed more than $200,000 in individual, PAC and soft money contributions, 67 percent to the GOP.

But Comcast and AT&T are not the only corporate donors who want the merger approved. Microsoft invested $5 billion in AT&T in 1999. When Comcast entered into talks to acquire AT&T's broadband division, it made Microsoft a deal. Rather than having to pay Microsoft when the merger went though, Comcast would convert the computer giant's $5 billion investment into 115 million shares of the new company's stock.

Comcast also promised to give Microsoft an edge over other Internet service providers. According to Comcast's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, "if AT&T Comcast offers a high-speed Internet access agreement to any third party, then it will be obligated to offer an agreement…to Microsoft."

Like AT&T, Microsoft is a top campaign contributor. The company has contributed $1.8 million in individual, PAC and soft money donations in the current election cycle so far, 57 percent to Republicans. Microsoft also spent $6.5 million in lobbying last year, at least part of which was used to lobby on broadband issues. During the 2000 elections, Microsoft contributed $4.7 million to federal candidates and parties, including $61,250 to Bush. Microsoft also chipped in another $1 million to help sponsor the Republican national convention. (Both AT&T and Microsoft also gave $1 million each to the Democrats for their convention in Los Angeles.)

A third set of campaign contributors closely watching the AT&T/Comcast merger are the so-called Baby Bells. The four regional phone companies—BellSouth, Verizon, SBC Communications and Qwest—have come out more or less opposed to the merger. But rather than aggressively combating the deal, the companies are apparently hoping the merger will force Congress to lift regulations that apply to the Baby Bells, but not to the cable industry. After the Comcast/AT&T merger was announced, SBC Communications issued a statement asking Congress for "rules that all competitors can play by in the broadband market." Congress currently requires that the Baby Bells lease part of their high-speed networks to rival Internet service providers if they want to offer broadband services. (Legislation recently passed by the House would remove that restriction.) The Baby Bells have contributed more than $5.4 million combined in individual, PAC and soft money donations during 2001-2002. The companies have also spent a combined $21.3 million on lobbying in 2001.Some critics of the AT&T/Comcast merger say there may be another reason why no one on Capitol Hill is voicing any opposition to the deal. Once the merger is complete, the new cable giant will control programming for an estimated 25 million Americans. "Comcast has local control [over programming]," says Jeffrey Chester, head of the Center for Digital Democracy. "They give access to politicians. This is a silent campaign contribution that keeps on giving." Chester argues that one reason the Bush administration has ignored the concerns of consumer advocates is because "it doesn't hurt having the largest cable company in the country recognizing its debt to the administration for approving the merger." The Bush administration tried to grease the wheels of media mergers earlier this year when it transferred oversight duties from the Federal Trade Commission to the Justice Department.

Consumer groups immediately protested, saying the Justice Department would be too lenient compared to the FTC, which last year okayed the AOL/Time Warner merger, but only after imposing several restrictions on the deal. Sen. Ernest Hollings (D-S.C.), chairman of the powerful Commerce Committee, has threatened to strip the FTC of funding if the agency gives up its oversight role to the Justice Department. The AT&T/Comcast merger is currently undergoing review at the Federal Communications Commission, but consumer advocates don't hold out much hope that the FCC will prevent the merger or even impose restrictions. The FCC is chaired by Michael Powell, the son of Bush's Secretary of State, Colin Powell. And earlier in the year, the FCC changed its classification of cable high-speed Internet services from a "telecommunications service" to an "information service." The switch helps the cable industry escape further regulation under the 1996 Telecommunications Act.

This all goes to show the close ties that exist between AT&T and Bu$h and the Republicans, furthering suspicions that AT&T's censorship of Ed's anti-Bu$h was no accident, but rather a deliberate move by the company to protect itself and its relationship with Bu$h. Have your say in our new poll.

Pearl Jam vs. AT&T: What You Should Have Seen

Pearl Jam vs. AT&T: The Battle Rages On

Mike McCready Weighs In...

"Thoughts of an American.

I grew up in a democratic system of government. This is what was taught all through Kindergarten through College. Freedom of thought and expression were hallmarks of my early education. These concepts and theories integrated my belief in an American system of democracy. Consequently, I became a musician because of these inalienable rights. Make no mistake I am an artist and a capitalist because of this system that I believe in and our country. I don't however believe that a capitalist corporation such as AT&T has the right to subvert the first amendment of the constitution to which we all are accountable. This happened on the night we played Lollapalooza. I was dismayed to hear that the act of censoring free speech was used to edit our song Daughter for a webcast. Surely the American listening public can discern for themselves what they deem acceptable to hear. This is a hallmark of our American way!! The freedom to listen to what you want or don't want to. The American public was duped as was I in believing that I can speak freely without censorship.

I can only look to historical figures who are above reproach in my mind, such as Thomas Jefferson "I hope we shall it's birth the aristocracy of our moneyed corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength and bid defiance to the laws of our country." I feel that corporations can still exist without worry of a few words at a rock concert and need not trample upon our constitution for the sake of profit.

Another example that I believe is relevant is a George Orwell quote from Animal Farm. "If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear." Some people don't want to hear our political beliefs in a song but that too is the beauty of America. WE CAN DISAGREE and still function as a democracy. When one person or company decides what others can hear, that is totalitarian thinking! This runs contrary to America and threatens the core of our freedom. We can think for ourselves, AT&T. I had the great pleasure of seeing the Space Shuttle launch live in Florida today. This gave me a feeling of excitement and patriotism in my country today.

It showed me a future of ingenuity and promise for a better America.

With that I will leave you with a last quote from the quintessential American "Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it." This is an example of my belief in what Ed was saying the night we were censored during Daughter. You can't get more American than Mark Twain!!! Say no to censorship, it leads to dictatorship!

Mike McCready"


Ed To Feature On Another Movie Soundtrack

Ed has contributed yet more music to a film soundtrack, this time the Bob Dylan biopic I'm Not There. He will contribute All Along The Watchtower with a band named The Million Dollar Bashers.

The soundtrack is set for release on October 30th.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

PJ Speak Out Over AT&T Webcast Censorship

From Pearl Jam through

"After concluding our Sunday night show at Lollapalooza, fans informed us that portions of that performance were missing and may have been censored by AT&T during the "Blue Room" Live Lollapalooza Webcast.

When asked about the missing performance, AT&T informed Lollapalooza that portions of the show were in fact missing from the webcast, and that their content monitor had made a mistake in cutting them.During the performance of "Daughter" the following lyrics were sung to the tune of Pink Floyd's "Another Brick in the Wall" but were cut from the webcast:

- "George Bush, leave this world alone." (the second time it was sung); and
- "George Bush find yourself another home."

This, of course, troubles us as artists but also as citizens concerned with the issue of censorship and the increasingly consolidated control of the media.
AT&T's actions strike at the heart of the public's concerns over the power that corporations have when it comes to determining what the public sees and hears through communications media.Aspects of censorship, consolidation, and preferential treatment of the internet are now being debated under the umbrella of "NetNeutrality." Check out The Future of Music or Save the Internet for more information on this issue.

Most telecommunications companies oppose "net neutrality" and argue that the public can trust them not to censor..

Even the ex-head of AT&T, CEO Edward Whitacre, whose company sponsored our troubled webcast, stated just last March that fears his company and other big network providers would block traffic on their networks are overblown.."

Any provider that blocks access to content is inviting customers to find another provider." (Marguerite Reardon, Staff Writer, CNET Published: March 21, 2006, 2:23 PM PST).

But what if there is only one provider from which to choose?If a company that is controlling a webcast is cutting out bits of our performance -not based on laws, but on their own preferences and interpretations - fans have little choice but to watch the censored version.

What happened to us this weekend was a wake up call, and it’s about something much bigger than the censorship of a rock band.The complete version of "Daughter" from the Lollapalooza performance will be posted here soon for any of you who missed it. We apologize to our fans who were watching the webcast and got shortchanged. In the future, we will work even harder to ensure that our live broadcasts or webcasts are free from arbitrary edits.

If you have examples of AT&T censoring artist performances around political content, it's a good thing for everyone to know about. Feel free to post examples on the official Pearl Jam Message Pit."

Army Reserve Releases Vic Theater 07 Show

2007-08-02 The Vic Theatre, Chicago, IL

Source Info:

Source: Schoeps MK4s > Rmod box > TCD-D100
Conversion: PCM-R300 > USBPre > Soundforge 7.0b > shntool 2.0.3 > FLAC 1.1.2

Show Info:
Show #13 Of The 2007 World Tour

Disc One:

01. Intro
02. Trouble (Ed Solo)
03. Dead Man (Ed Solo)
04. I Used To Work In Chicago (Ed Solo)
05. Improv (Ed Solo)
06. Picture In A Frame (Ed Solo)
07. Intro
08. All Or None
09. Education
10. Sad
11. In Hiding
12. Parachutes
13. I'm Open
14. Wishlist
15. Down
16. Undone
17. Off He Goes
18. Hard To Imagine

Disc Two:

01. Gods' Dice
02. Worldwide Suicide
03. Rats
04. Gone
05. Why Go?
06. No More (Ed Solo)
07. Inside Job
08. Low Light
09. Love Reign O'er Me
10. Comatose
11. Black Diamond
12. Sonic Reducer
13. Indifference (w/ Ben Harper)

Download Links (FLAC):


Download Links (mp3):


Download Link (Artwork, Photos):

Remember, all mp3 files are tagged to ensure that they are for personal use only.
If participating in a trade you will have to use the FLACs. If this rule is not respected, The Army Reserve will cease to function as a source of bootlegs.


Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Eddie & Kid Rock Play Stanleys!

Yes, you read that correctly, Eddie played at Stanleys in Chicago last night with Kid Rock and a band called Halfway Jane!

Ed played a 40 min set of PJ favourites with the band, then returned to play another 45 min set of classic tunes such as Sweet Home Alabama with Kid Rock in tow!

There are some photos of this momentous event floating around the web, and we'll keep you up to date if we come across more info on the setlist or even a boot...


Set 1: Baba O'Riley (The Who), Take Me Out To The Ball Game (Traditional)
Set 2: Sweet Home Alabama (Lynyrd Skynyrd), Yellow Ledbetter, Rockin' In The Free World (Neil Young)

Army Reserve Releases Vienna 07 Show

2007-06-16 Nova Rock Festival, Vienna, Austria

Source Info:
Archos 404 > USB > Audacity > WAV > dBpoweramp > FLAC

Show Info:
Show #5 Of The 2007 European Tour

Disc One:
01 Betterman
02 Go
03 Save You
04 MFC
05 Given To Fly
06 Severed Hand
07 Dissident
08 Small Town
09 Corduroy
10 Even Flow
11 Light Years
12 Jeremy
13 Why Go?
14 Rearviewmirror
Disc Two:
15 Encore Break
16 Do The Evolution
17 Blood
18 Porch
19 Rockin' In The Free World

Download Links (FLAC):

Download Link (mp3):

Download Link (Artwork, Photos):

Thanks to the taper. Sound Quality is B-/C+


Mike On PJ's Immeadiate Future

A lucky fan who met Mike McCready by chance on Monday was able to quiz him on PJ's plans for the future:

"We have nothing planned, we are tired and want to be with our families. We plan to go back into the studio in April."

Looks like we're in for a long winter...

Into The Wild Tracklist, Single

Eddie's upcoming solo album, to be released on September 18th through J Records, now has a confirmed tracklist. Music For The Motion Picture Into The Wild will feature....

01. Setting Forth
02. No Ceiling
03. Far Behind
04. Rise
05. Long Nights
06. Tuolumne
07. Hard Sun
08. The Wolf
09. End of the Road
10. Society
11. Guaranteed

The album's artwork has also been revealed...

EDIT: The 1st single to be lifted from the album is Hard Sun, a song originally written by Seattle musician Gordon Peterson (a.k.a. Indio), is a duet Vedder did with Corin Tucker of Sleater-Kinney.

Monday, August 06, 2007

PJ Rock Lollapalooza To The Core

Main Set:
Why Go?, Corduroy, Save You, Do The Evolution, Small Town, Severed Hand, Education, Even Flow, Given To Fly, Worldwide Suicide, Don't Go BP Amaco Improv, Lukin, Not For You, Daughter/(ABITW pt. 2), State Of Love And Trust, Wasted Reprise, Alive

Encore 1:
Betterman/(Save It For Later), Crazy Mary, Life Wasted, Rearviewmirror

Encore 2:
No More (w/ Ben Harper), RITFW (w/ Ben Harper, US Soldiers)

Download The Webcast:

Rolling Stone Review:
Pearl Jam brings the festival full circle. Fifteen years ago, the quintet played a daytime slot on the second Lollapalooza while they were on their way to temporarily becoming the biggest band in the world. Now, in their only major North American concert appearance of the year, the Seattle crew is digging deep into a rich back catalog as belles of the ball.

“There’s a deep amount of meaning that comes with playing this stage tonight,” reveals Eddie Vedder, regaling the crowd with tales of his youth spent in the north suburb of Evanston.

Tonight, the always dependable Pearl Jam are on fire. “Corduroy,” “Do the Evolution,” and “Given to Fly” lead the parade of hits while “Why Go?” “State of Love and Trust,” “Rearviewmirror” and “Worldwide Suicide” provide clenched-teeth release. Select covers — Victoria Williams’ “Crazy Mary” and Pink Floyd’s “Another Brick in the Wall Pt. 2” included — please the faithful.

Bassist Jeff Ament and guitarist Stone Gossard face-off and challenge another, and Vedder assumes his typical fight-the-good-fight stance, railing against petroleum company BP Amoco, which is planning to dump toxic chemicals into Lake Michigan under the guise of expansion. Pearl Jam even slapped together a brief punk-ish ditty, “Don’t Go to BP Amoco,” to spread the message. “Evenflow” meanders into a jam before detouring into a Matt Cameron drum solo, which, coincidentally, coincides with fireworks exploding in the background over the Field Museum.

Strangely, it works as if exactly to plan, and makes sense for where Pearl Jam are now at in their career — and for what Lollapalooza currently represents as a festival.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Tidbits About New DVD


"Choice songs include "Even Flow,” "Corduroy" and "World Wide Suicide." Other highlights include Eddie Vedder jamming with My Morning Jacket on “A Quick One While He's Away” Vedder backstage in Torino working on Italian translations to greet the crowd, bassist Jeff Ament going for a pre-show skate at a local park outside Bologna, McCready and Vedder rehearsing an acoustic version of "Lukin" on the upper-most steps of the ancient Arena di Verona and touring keyboardist Boom Gaspar and Vedder visiting an ancient cathedral in Pistoia and talking with a local about the musical culture of Italy and the fame of Pistoia's organs."

Eddie's Been Out And About In Chicago

Fresh from destroying Chicago at the Vic on Thursday, Eddie was on hand to throw out the first pitch at yesterdays Cubbies game.

Speaking of the Vic, a bootleg is coming soon, and as usual you'll be able to download it here. To tide you over, heres a little tease of Black Diamond:

Ed will also release a solo album this year, Into The Wild, the soundtrack to the new Sean Penn film of the same name.

Ed will also be appearing as himself in a 'fake biopic' about fictional rock star Dewey Cox. Says director Judd Apatow of Ed's part:

"We wrote this really bombastic, over-the-top speech, and Eddie Vedder was hysterical reading it. He nailed it on the first take."

With all that exciting news behind him, Ed casually strolled onstage last night to join Ben Harper during his Lollapalooza set to duet on Masters Of War. Check it out here:

If you are at Lollapalooza, then you might want to keep an eye out for Ed, as he is slated to make a super secret appearance at Kidsapalooza, the kids zone on the festival site. Whether this is today or tomorrow, no-one can confirm.

Thats about all the news we can fit in one post, so stay tuned for more Lolla news as the weekend progresses!

Friday, August 03, 2007

Pearl Jam Rocks The Vic With Rarities Setlist

Soundcheck: I Am Mine, Sad, Love, Reign O'er Me, Tremor Christ, Undone, Worldwide Suicide, Off He Goes, Parachutes, Education

Main Set:
All Or None, Education, Sad, In Hiding, Parachutes, I'm Open, Wishlist, Down, Undone, Off He Goes, Hard To Imagine, God's Dice, World Wide Suicide, Rats, Gone, Why Go?

1st Encore:
No More (Ed Solo), Inside Job, Low Light, Love Reign O'er Me

2nd Encore:
Comatose, Black Diamond, Sonic Reducer

3rd Encore:
Indifference (w/Ben Harper)

Dirty Frank was on the setlist but not played. Black Diamond is a Kiss cover, performed with Matt on lead vocals.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Vic Fever Hits Chicago!

Tonights the night!

PJ return to Chicago, site of many legendary PJ concerts over the years, to play a tiny fanclub only show at the Vic Theater, as a warm-up to this weekend's headlining slot at Lollapalooza, and boy are we excited!

Rumours are flying around of a rarity packed show, acoustic sets, special guests and much more!

Fans have been queuing since late last night and excitement is reaching fever pitch! Be sure to check back to hear all the latest from the show as it happens throughout the night!

If you are going, have a great time, and be sure to get in touch and tell us all about it when you get back!

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Two Feet Thick Publish New Articles

Two Feet Thick, widely agreed to have carried out some of the most fascinating reportings into Pearl Jam and the band's history, have published two new articles.

The first is a look back at PJ's run on the Lollapalooza 92 tour, with video highlights, expert insights and backstage banter.

The second investigates the Vitalogy Health Club starter kit, its contents, and its history.

Go check them out, the link is on the right.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

XM Radio To Broadcast Lollapalooza Show

You'll be able to listen live, according to this link:

You'll also be able to watch them, according to this one:

Linkin Park: Destroyed And Inspired By Pearl Jam

Excerpt from an article at

"So, it's with humility that LP guitarist Brad Delson tells PopEater backstage at the L.A.'s Projekt Revolution tour that he and his bandmates have found something like relief, reports AOL Music. "I can finally say with some confidence that having 'Minutes to Midnight' come out and be so well-received, that I really see us now as a career band."

Still, Delson says Linkin recently learned in Europe that they're certainly still evolving -- a lesson taught to them by rock veterans Pearl Jam. "I was really blown away by what they do on stage -- how organic their show is," Delson says. "We played [with them in] Lisbon, and we were kind of high on ourselves a little bit. Then I stood on the side of the stage, watched Pearl Jam perform, and was immediately very humbled. They seriously destroyed us. I say that in the best way possible. It was like, 'Holy crap, there's so much room for us still to grow.'"

Linkin Park are taking another page from their forebears Pearl Jam by releasing complete live recordings of each of their shows following the event. "It means we can't suck," Delson jokes."

Army Reserve Releases London 07 Show

2007-06-18 Wembley Arena, London, UK

Show Info:

Show #6 Of The 2007 European Tour

Source Info:
Sony ECM 717 stereo microphones --> Sony Hi-MD MZ NH900 --> Master MiniDisc --> CD Wave Editor --> FLAC

Disc One:
01. Intro
02. Long Road
03. Severed Hand
04. Grievance
05. Comatose
06. Given To Fly
07. Low Light
08. I Got Shit
09. Faithfull
10. Green Disease
11. Marker In The Sand
12. Immortality
13. Down
14. Present Tense
15. State Of Love And Trust
16. Why Go?
17. Save You
18. Porch

Disc Two:
19. Inside Job
20. Parachutes
21. Crazy Mary
22. Do the Evolution
23. Alive
24. No More (Ed Solo)
25. Bu$hleaguer
26. Worldwide Suicide
27. Rockin' In The Free World
28. Indifference

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Thanks to the taper. Sound Quality is A-/B+
